Active researchers, research students or those who in their profession work towards the purpose of the association.
As a member of NCCS, you will receive newsletters with information and discussions about developments and activities within research in caring and care. You have the opportunity to participate in NCCS annual conferences and seminars. You also have access to the Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences and you can apply for scholarships, through which you can contribute to realizing the objectives of NCCS. You are warmly welcome!
Write a short statement of education and work experience, name and address. Please also provide a brief description of your own interest in Caring science.
NCCS's board will processes the application, and if the application is approved, the board will contact you.
NCCS will contact you, so you can carry out the membership payment. Annual membership costs 45 euros.
NCCS will contact you with the terms, conditions and agreement information.
After creating a password, you can successfully log in and enjoy the membership benefits. Welcome!